AH LIFE lesson 011

A photograph emphasizing the road and the sky.

If you exert a lot of effort to something such as acting, dancing, writing, modeling, singing, photography, or sports, the outcome may not be as good as the professionals but it will always be remarkable if it is done by heart.

I came up with this photograph of a road and did a little post-processing on it a couple of months ago. I just realize that in every downfall whether you stumble or fall off a cliff there is always this helping light on your dimmest path. I thank God for his consistent help in showing me the right way whenever I feel lost. Hey, so you are still reading huh? Aren't you bored with this entry? Lol. Let's go back to the topic. The road to success is built with bulkiness rather than the finest sand in the universe that we all want. I bet you are yawning at this moment now.

Ok, so off the topic. I babysit the whole day. And I say it is so tiring even if all I had to do is to watch the purple dinosaur, Barney, for 11 hours straight! Being a nanny is fun except for the part when you have to change the diaper and hold some tainted stuff. I still have my humongous appetite on me despite of those waste materials of a baby. I bet you know what I am talking about.

There has been much tragedy in my life; at least half of it actually happened. – Mark Twain

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One Last Photograph

Why "One Last Photograph"? I want to capture every moment as if it is my last. If I had one shot remaining, let me take a photograph of life in a perspective that is beyond the horizon of the human eye.

"AH LIFE" is the first series of my One Last Photograph personal photo blog that I launched last March 22, 2007. My purpose is to share 101 lessons that I have learned in my years of existence through a series of photographs that I took before I start another project.

My Photo
Location: Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, Philippines

This Nobody is trying to survive the sarcasms of her boring life by taking photographs of her unlikable environment in the province. This Miss Goody-Two-Shoes rambles about everything of almost anything and is in fact the “taklesa” one in her family. This Algebra Girl happens to have more functional neurons on her right side of the brain which involves love for arts rather than the left hemisphere of the brain that is meant to associate with numbers. This Heartless of Music may not vocally sing in front of an audience but dramatically hums a melody for mending her broken heart that was emotionally murdered brutally by someone she once loved. Hi! I am Camille, 15. This is my blog and welcome to my world!

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