AH LIFE lesson 014

Over it. Close.

Learn when and where to let somebody enter your life. One wrong move and you'll be toast.

Do you still remember your history regarding the Trojan horse or were you sleeping during that time? Lol. This legend taught me how to be aware of my surroundings and not to give my trust easily on anybody. There was a time in my life when I let myself be fooled by someone who happens to be my friend. I don't want to give too much detail on what happened. Anyway, I bought an album of Katharine McPhee and I just want to share the lyrics of the song entitled Over It.

The photograph of the gate interprets the legend of the Trojan War except that there's no phony horse in it. Lol. The closed gate also reflects the meaning of the song which is unwillingness on something or someone. Enough of this entry, it's getting redundant already.

I'm over your lies and I'm over your games. I'm over you asking me when you know I'm not okay. Wanting you to be wanting me; no that ain't no way to be. How I feel, read my lips because I'm so over. Moving on, it's my time. You never were a friend of mine. Hurt at first, a little bit but now I'm so over. I'm so over it.

3 Responses to “AH LIFE lesson 014”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    wow, finally stumble on a blog worth reading. props props :D and boy do i love your banner! keep it up :]  

  2. # Blogger Unknown

    wow, finally stumbled on a blog worth reading. props props :D and boy do i love your banner! keep it up :]  

  3. # Blogger Camille

    Hi! Thanks! Same to you, keep it up! ^_^  

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One Last Photograph

Why "One Last Photograph"? I want to capture every moment as if it is my last. If I had one shot remaining, let me take a photograph of life in a perspective that is beyond the horizon of the human eye.

"AH LIFE" is the first series of my One Last Photograph personal photo blog that I launched last March 22, 2007. My purpose is to share 101 lessons that I have learned in my years of existence through a series of photographs that I took before I start another project.

My Photo
Location: Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, Philippines

This Nobody is trying to survive the sarcasms of her boring life by taking photographs of her unlikable environment in the province. This Miss Goody-Two-Shoes rambles about everything of almost anything and is in fact the “taklesa” one in her family. This Algebra Girl happens to have more functional neurons on her right side of the brain which involves love for arts rather than the left hemisphere of the brain that is meant to associate with numbers. This Heartless of Music may not vocally sing in front of an audience but dramatically hums a melody for mending her broken heart that was emotionally murdered brutally by someone she once loved. Hi! I am Camille, 15. This is my blog and welcome to my world!

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